Our mobile app syncs with an encrypted cloud based dashboard admin panel hosted by Amazon AWS.
The cloud based dashboard which is accessible from any PC, Tablet or Phone allows the complete construction team to have all the live build information at their fingertips.
You can set permissions for client access or staff access so your site operations are completely transparent and secure, and most importantly (keeping your clients compliant with the new Building Safety Act)
All reports are automatically generated and available to export in either PDF or Excel format, all of which are stored on an encrypted cloud based server from our complete construction project management software app.
Clients/Admin or Sub Admin users can download information as they see fit or simply leave securely on the server for access at a later date.
No data restrictions
No drawing capacity
No maximum users
No functionality restrictions
SitePro is a Global application that works seamlessly across 175 different countries based in the UK.
So wither your in the Europe, Asia or USA regions of Colorado, Nebraska, Washington, Tennessee, Alabama, Maryland, Kentucky or Wyoming you can be assured your covered!
Just One System with full functionality at an affordable low monthly payment.